Evidence based medical and public health leadership and career coaching and coaching psychology
I use a range of evidence based behavioural science and applied psychological interventions to improve outcomes in my work. Everything I do is firstly underpinned by psychological theory and evidence, and ethical practice as a Chartered Psychologist. I ensure highly effective coaching programmes for medical and public health leadership, career counselling and career coaching for public health and medical leaders, and staff development and team coaching for medical and public health leaders.
I am trained to an advanced level in ‘3rd wave Cognitive Behaviour Therapies’ applied to the leadership and career coaching context, including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) and Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT); these methods all focus on present moment awareness, compassion for self and others, values-based living and willingness to take action even in the face of difficulty. They address internal as well as external barriers to effecting change, ensuring that the impact of my coaching programmes are long-lasting.
Read my publications in BMJ Leader here, and my publications on ACT and other publications here.
Below is a summary of relevant ACT in the Workplace RCTs and meta-analyses published in recent years, it is growing rapidly. For a full list of all ACT RCTs and Meta-analyses, click here.
Date of last update: December 2024.
Durand-Moreau, Q., Jackson, T., Deibert, D., Els, C., Kung, J.Y., & Straube, S. (2023). Mindfulness-based Practices in Workers to Address Mental Health Conditions: A Systematic Review. Safety and Health at Work,14(3), 250-258.
Garner, E.V. & Golijani-Moghaddam, N. (2021). Relationship between psychological flexibility and work-related quality of life for healthcare professionals: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 21, 98-112.
Huish, E., Donnelly, O., & Marks, E. (2024). “I Really Felt the Feeling”: A Systematic Review and Qualitative Thematic Synthesis of Healthcare Workers’ Experiences of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Training. Journal of cognitive psychotherapy, 38(2), 94–118.
Kent, W., Hulbert-Williams, N., & Hochard, K. (2020). A review of stress management interventions for the oncology nursing workforce: What do we know and what should we be doing differently?. Health Psychology Report.
Maldonado Ladino, M.D., Bolaños, C., Calderón Ramírez, V.A., Silva Giraldo, E.J., Álzate, J.P., Cubides, A., & Botero Carvajal, A. (2023). Effects of internet-based, psychosocial, and early medical interventions on professional burnout in health care workers: Systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Internet Interventions, 34, 100682.
Metinyurt, T. Haynes-Baratz, M.C., & Bond, M.A. (2021). A systematic review of interventions to address workplace bias: What we know, what we don’t, and lessons learned. New Ideas in Psychology, 63, 100879.
Prudenzi, A., Graham, C.D., Clancy, F., Hill, D., Driscoll, R.O., Day, F., O’ Connor, D.B. (2021). Group-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Interventions for Improving General Distress and Work-related Distress in Healthcare Professionals: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 295, 192-202.
Reeve, A., Tickle, A., & Moghaddam, N. (2018). Are acceptance and commitment therapy-based interventions effective for reducing burnout in direct-care staff? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Mental Health Review Journal, 23 (3), 131-155.
Scheutzow J, Attoe C, Harwood J (2022). Acceptability of Web-Based Mental Health Interventions in the Workplace: Systematic Review. JMIR Ment Health, 9(5), e34655.
Serowik, K.L., Khan, A.J., LoCurto, J. et al. (2018) The Conceptualization and Measurement of Values: A Review of the Psychometric Properties of Measures Developed to Inform Values Work with Adults. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 40, 615–635.
Spijkerman, M. P. J., Pots, W. T. M., Bohlmeijer, E. T. (2016). Effectiveness of online mindfulness-based interventions in improving mental health: A review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Clinical Psychology Review, 45, 102-114.
Unruh, I., Neubert, M., Wilhelm, M., & Euteneuer, F. (2022). ACT in the workplace: A meta-analytic examination of randomized controlled trials. Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 26, 114-124.
van Agteren, J., Iasiello, M., Lo, L. et al. (2021). A systematic review and meta-analysis of psychological interventions to improve mental wellbeing. Nature Human Behaviour, 5, 631–652.
And other evidence-based papers of interest/ relevance:
Alimo-Metcalfe B & Alban-Metcalfe RJ. The development of a new Transformational Leadership Questionnaire. J Occup Organ Psychol. 2001;1–27.
Athanasopoulou A, Dopson S. A systematic review of executive coaching outcomes: Is it the journey or the destination that matters the most? Leadersh Q. 2018 Feb;29(1):70–88.
Avolio BJ, Hannah ST. Developmental readiness: Accelerating leader development. Consult Psychol J Pract Res. 60(4):331–47.
Beer M, Finnström M, Schrader D. Why Leadership Training Fails—and What to Do About It. Harvard Business Review [Internet]. 2016 Oct 1 [cited 2022 Jun 15]; Available from: https://hbr.org/2016/10/why-leadership-training-fails-and-what-to-do-about-it
Bozer G, Jones RJ. Understanding the factors that determine workplace coaching effectiveness: a systematic literature review. Eur J Work Organ Psychol. 2018;27(3):342–61.
British Psychological Society. About the Division of Coaching Psychology [Internet]. British Psychological Society; 2023 [cited 2023 May 19]. Available from: https://www.bps.org.uk/member-networks/division-coaching-psychology
British Psychological Society. Code of Ethics and Conduct [Internet]. 2018 [cited 2023 May 19]. Available from: https://www.bps.org.uk/news-and-policy/bps-code-ethics-and-conduct
British Psychological Society. Standards for Coaching Psychology (Level 8) [Internet]. British Psychological Society; 2021 [cited 2023 May 19]. Available from: https://www.bps.org.uk/division-coaching-psychology-careers
Chemers M, Watson C, May S. Dispositional affect and leadership effectiveness: a comparison of self-esteem, optimism, and efficacy. Pers Soc Psychol Bull. 2000;26(3):267–77.
CIPD. Annual Survey Report: Learning and Development 2015. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development; 2015.
Day F, Mentis AF. Understanding the evidence base for coaching for medical doctors: a scoping review. Figshare. 2023;https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.23579019.v1.
Day FJ. How the Clinical ‘Leader-as-coach’ benefits health leaders, their teams, peers, organisation and the system. Manuscr Rev. 2023;
De Haan E, Nilsson VO. What Can We Know about the Effectiveness of Coaching? A Meta-Analysis Based Only on Randomized Controlled Trials. Acad Manag Learn Educ. 2023;1–21.
de Haan E. What works in Executive Coaching. Understanding outcomes through quantitative research and practice-based evidence. 1st ed. Oxon: Routledge; 2021.
Ewart KD. The Coaching Class—Its Aims and Accomplishments. Psychol Clin. 1923;14(8–9):264–70.
Foa EB, Foa UG. Resource Theory. In: Gergen KJ, Greenberg MS, Willis RH, editors. Social Exchange: Advances in Theory and Research [Internet]. Boston, MA: Springer US; 1980 [cited 2022 Jun 21]. p. 77–94. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4613-3087-5_4
Frich JC, Brewster AL, Cherlin EJ, Bradley EH. Leadership Development Programs for Physicians: A Systematic Review. J Gen Intern Med. 2015 May 1;30(5):656–74.
Fusco T, O’Riordan S, Palmer S. Assessing the efficacy of Authentic Leadership group-coaching. Int Coach Psychol Rev. 11(2):118–28.
Geerts JM, Goodall AH, Agius S. Evidence-based leadership development for physicians: A systematic literature review. Soc Sci Med. 2020;246:112709.
Graf EM, Dionne F. Coaching research in 2020 – about destinations, journeys and travelers (Part 1). Int Coach Psychol Rev. 2021 Spring;16(1):38–53.
Graf EM, Dionne F. Coaching research in 2020 – about destinations, journeys and travelers (Part II). Int Coach Psychol Rev. 2021;16(2):6–21.
Grant A, Cavanagh M. Toward a Profession of Coaching: Sixty-Five Years of Progress and Challenges for the Future. Int J Evid Based Coach Mentor. 2004 Feb 1;2.
Grant AM. A languishing-flourishing model of goal striving and mental health for coaching populations. Int Coach Psychol Rev. 2007;2(3):250–64.
Grant AM. Toward a psychology of coaching: the impact of coaching on metacognition, mental health and goal attainment. Sydney: Coaching Psychology Unit, University of Sydney; 2001.
Grant, A. M. An integrated model of goal-focused coaching: An evidence-based framework for teaching and practice. Int Coach Psychol Rev. 2012;7(2):146–65.
Graßmann C, Schölmerich F, Schermuly CC. The relationship between working alliance and client outcomes in coaching: A meta-analysis. Hum Relat. 2020 Jan 1;73(1):35–58.
Green S, Grant AM, Rynsaardt J. Evidence-based life coaching for senior high school students: building hardiness and hope. Int Coach Psychol Rev. 2007;2(1):24–32.
Grover S, Furnham A. Coaching as a Developmental Intervention in Organisations: A Systematic Review of Its Effectiveness and the Mechanisms Underlying It. PLOS ONE. 2016;11(7):1–41.
Hackman JR, Wageman R. A theory of team coaching. Acad Manage Rev. 2005;30(2):269–87.
Harris, M. Practice network: Look, it’s an I-O psychologist. No, it’s a trainer. No, it’s an executive coach! Ind Organ Psychol. 1999;36(3):38–42.
Hothi D. Faculty of Medical Leadership & Management (FMLM) demand for clinical leadership programmes. 2023.
Hu S, Chen W, Hu H, Huang W, Chen J, Hu J. Coaching to develop leadership for healthcare managers: a mixed-method systematic review protocol. Syst Rev. 2022 Apr 13;11(1):67.
Jones RJ, Woods SA, Guillaume YRF. The effectiveness of workplace coaching: A meta-analysis of learning and performance outcomes from coaching. J Occup Organ Psychol. 2016;89(2):249–77.
Jones RJ, Woods SA, Zhou Y. Boundary conditions of workplace coaching outcomes. J Manag Psychol. 2018;33(7/8):475–96.
Koopman R, Danskin Englis P, Ehrenhard ML, Groen A. The Chronological Development of Coaching and Mentoring: Side by Side Disciplines. Int J Evid Based Coach Mentor. 2021;19(1):137–51.
Lai YL, Palmer S. Psychology in executive coaching: an integrated literature review. J Work-Appl Manag. 2019;11(2):143–64.
Lawrence P. Managerial coaching – A literature review. Int J Evid Based Coach Mentor. 2017;15(2):43–69.
Lynas K. The leadership response to the Francis report. Future Hosp J. 2015 Oct;2(3):203–8.
Lyons O, George R, Galante JR, Mafi A, Fordwoh T, Frich J, et al. Evidence-based medical leadership development: a systematic review. BMJ Lead [Internet]. 2021 [cited 2022 Apr 26];5(3). Available from: https://bmjleader.bmj.com/content/5/3/206
McAlearney AS. Using leadership development programs to improve quality and efficiency in healthcare. J Healthc Manag Am Coll Healthc Exec. 2008;53(5):319–31; discussion 331-2.
McInerney E, Giga S, Morris A. Does it last? A systematic review of the enduring effects on managers from executive coaching. Int Coach Psychol Rev. 2021;16(2):22–50.
NICE. Mental wellbeing at work. Evidence review E: Targeted individual-level approaches [Internet]. NICE; 2022. Available from: https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng212/evidence/e-targeted-individuallevel-approaches-pdf-10959822258
NICE. NG212: Mental wellbeing at work [Internet]. NICE; 2022 [cited 2022 Jun 16]. Available from: https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng212
Nieminen L, Smerek R, Kotrba L, Denison D. What does an executive coaching intervention add beyond facilitated multisource feedback? Effects on leader self-ratings and perceived effectiveness. Hum Resour Dev Q. 24(2):145–76.
Passmore J, Lai YL. Coaching Psychology: exploring definitions and research contribution to practice? Int Coach Psychol Rev. 2019 Aug 19;14(2):69–83.
Passmore J, Leach S, editors. Third wave cognitive behavioural coaching: Contextual, behavioural and neuroscience approaches for evidence-based coaches. Sussex: Pavilion Publishing & Media; 2022.
Passmore J, Woodward W. Coaching education: Wake up to the new digital and AI coaching revolution! Int Coach Psychol Rev. 2023;18(1):58–72.
Reinertsen JL. Physicians as leaders in the improvement of health care systems. Ann Intern Med. 1998;128(10):833–8.
Rekalde I, et al. Is executive coaching more effective than other management training and development methods? Manag Decis. 55(10):2149–62.
Schermuly C, Graßmann C. A literature review on negative effects of coaching – what we know and what we need to know. Coach Int J Theory Res Pract. 2018 Oct 3;12:1–28.
Schermuly C. Erfolgreiches Business-Coaching: Positive Wirkungen, unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen und vermeidbare Abbrüche. Weinheim: Beltz; 2019.
Schermuly C. Negative effects of coaching for coaches – An explorative study. Int Coach Psychol Rev. 2014 Aug 1;9:165–80.
Schermuly CC, Graßmann C. Die Analyse von Nebenwirkungen von Coaching für Klienten aus einer qualitativen Perspektive. Coach Theor Prax. 2016 Sep 1;2(1):33–47.
Schermuly CC, Schermuly-Haupt ML, Schölmerich F, Rauterberg H. Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen lesen Sie …–Negative Effekte von Coaching. Z Für Arb- Organ AO. 2014 Jan;58(1):17–33.
Signatories to the Global Code of Ethics. Global Code of Ethics – for Coaches, Mentors, and Supervisors v3 [Internet]. 2021. Available from: https://emccuk.org/Common/Uploaded%20files/Policies/Global_Code_of_Ethics_EN_v3.pdf
Skinner SC, Mazza S, Carty MJ, Lifante JC, Duclos A. Coaching for Surgeons: A Scoping Review of the Quantitative Evidence. Ann Surg Open Perspect Surg Hist Educ Clin Approaches. 2022 Sep;3(3):e179.
Sonesh SC, Coultas CW, et al. The power of coaching: A meta-analytic investigation. Coach Int J Theory Res Pract. 2015;8(2):73–95.
Steinert Y, Naismith L, Mann K. Faculty development initiatives designed to promote leadership in medical education. A BEME systematic review: BEME Guide No. 19. Med Teach. 2012;34(6):483–503.
Storey J, Holti R. Towards a New Model of Leadership for the NHS [Internet]. London: NHS Leadership Academy; 2013. Available from: https://www.leadershipacademy.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/dlm_uploads/2014/10/Towards-a-New-Model-of-Leadership-2013.pdf
Theeboom T, Beersma B, van Vianen AEM. Does coaching work? A meta-analysis on the effects of coaching on individual level outcomes in an organizational context. J Posit Psychol. 2014;9(1):1–18.
Traylor A, Stahr E, Salas E. Team coaching: Three questions and a look ahead: A systematic literature review. Int Coach Psychol Rev. 2020;15(2):51–68.
United Nations. Health and population | Department of Economic and Social Affairs [Internet]. [cited 2022 May 31]. Available from: https://sdgs.un.org/topics/health-and-population
Wang Q, Lai YL, Xu X, McDowall A. The effectiveness of workplace coaching: a meta-analysis of contemporary psychologically informed coaching approaches. J Work-Appl Manag. 2021 Jan 1;14(1):77–101.
Want to get great at something? Get a coach [Internet]. TED 2017; 2017. Available from: https://www.ted.com/talks/atul_gawande_want_to_get_great_at_something_get_a_coach
Whiston SC, Li Y, Goodrich Mitts N, Wright L. Effectiveness of career choice interventions: A meta-analytic replication and extension. J Vocat Behav. 2017 Jun 1;100:175–84.
Read some of my early clients’ stories here, they are nearly 10 years old but may be of interest!