Coaching with Dr Fiona Day is proven to deliver a +17.4% improvement in outcomes: BMJ Leader 12/23 | BMJ Leader 03/24 | BMJ Leader 04/24
Senior doctors, medical and public health leaders frequently experience poor levels of mental well-being. The aim was to investigate whether psychologically informed leadership coaching impacted on the mental well-being of 80 UK-based senior doctors, medical and public health leaders.
The mean improvement in wellbeing was +17.4%, especially in two subdomains: I feel positive about the future; and I feel able to make my own mind up about things.
A pre–post study was undertaken during 2018–2022 of 80 UK senior doctors, medical and public health leaders. Before and after measures of mental well-being were measured using the Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale. The age range was 30–63 years (mean 44.5, mode and median, 45.0). Thirty-seven participants were male (46.3%). The proportion of non-white ethnicity was 21.3%.
Participants undertook an average of 8.7 hours of bespoke 1:1 psychologically informed leadership coaching.
The mean well-being score before the intervention was 21.4 (SD=3.28). The mean well-being score after the intervention increased to 24.5 (SD=3.38). A paired samples t-test found that the increase in metric well-being scores after the intervention was statistically significant (t=−9.52, p<0.001; cohen’s d=3.14).The mean improvement was+17.4% (median 115.8%, mode 100, range −17.7% to+202.4%). this was observed particularly in two subdomains.
Psychologically informed leadership coaching may be an effective way to improve mental well-being outcomes in senior doctors, medical and public heath leaders. The contribution of psychologically informed coaching is currently limited in medical leadership development research.
It is particularly interesting that while improving wellbeing is not always an explicit objective of coaching for doctors and public health leaders, it is a consistent outcome.
As well as staying up to date with the evidence base relating to coaching, doctors, public health, coaching psychology, mentoring – and taking part in coaching research internationally – I routinely measure the impact of my public health and medical leadership and career coaching practice as part of my audit and quality improvement processes.
I collect anonymised before and after data from my clients using the 7-item Short Warwick Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (SWEMWBS). I also collect other data in my evaluation form in order to audit my coaching practice.
To ensure my clients are moving forwards to their satisfaction, I also review progress with each client during every session: this also helps with their reflective processes and is in line with GMC requirements for CPD.
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